Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cracked It

Well it took a few days but I've cracked it.

Time to crawl into bed because I feel like dog shit.

Posted with LifeCast

Wait And See

Not sure if these are actually being sent no apparent publish or launch button

Posted with LifeCast

Mobile Test

Quick test again of my mobile blogging tools on iPhone.

Jotting this down quick at tea break.

Hope it all works and I don't arse it up.

Standby for more.

Posted with LifeCast

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jim Jeffries

I went to see Jim Jeffries last night in Lincoln.

That man is one evil bastard but bloody hilarious. He will joke about anything from religion, disability, rape you name it he'll go there.

I think he gets away with it because rather than just using controversial topics for shock he actually has something funny to say about them.

If your easily offended stay away, If you want someone to take to some bad places and deride humor from them, then he's your man. I think it's just the usual bawdy sick jokes type humor that people share privately when in the correct company, he just has the balls to stand up in front of an audience and say it out loud.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Kite!!!

Got my new kite yesterday, hooray. It's a 5 meter Ozone Haka quite a lifty kite.

I took it out for a 20 minute spin last night. Thanks to Glenn's handywork (I was being a bit of cleft when it came to untangling the lines) I soon had it set up and in the air. The wind was quite low so it took a few attempts to launch but even in low wind it still had some pull.

I can't wait to try it in some higher winds, although it could be brown trousers time. Looking at some of the kite videos on youTube has frightened me a bit, but then again that's where all the fun is.

Tally Ho! It's take off time.

Friday, May 09, 2008

me blog good, again.

I am still alive.

Getting into twitter and other web 2.0 rubbish and stopped bloging for a while.

Shows a lack of discipline for blog writing I suppose. Haven't run for months but reading my early posts makes me want to start again.

Watched Iron Man movie it was excellent can't wait for the new Indian Jones movie next week.

Getting into power kiting as well now days. Regularly flying my little flexifoil buzz and saving up for a bigger kite and ultimately a buggy.

See you soon hopefully

Thursday, September 06, 2007

new shoes

Well who would have thought it, it's been a month and I'm still running. It's not getting much easier but I am improving all the time. I try and run every other day or three times a week whichever is easiest to mentally complete.

I've been out and bought some boss gear consisting of some reebok running kit and some nike triax10+ trainees, which are compatible with my nikeplus system. I like the shoes but I'm still getting used to them, plenty of bounce but they feel a bit stiff after a while. I went to the Lincolnshire Runner on the high street for the shoes and got some great advice. He soon had me strapped into various shoes running up and down the high street with my jeans rolled up looking like a proper lincoln resident.

It turns out that I overpronate when I run, no it's not fancy talk for running like a girl, it just means my feet angle inwards slightly as I run, probably all those years dodging dog turds growing up in Liverpool. We went through a few pairs and decided the triax where the best fit for my style. Like I said I'm still getting used to them but minus one little insole niggle overall they are really good.

The other annoying thing is since I put the sensor in my new shoes it's sent all the measurements out, my distances have all dropped by 10 percent so one lap of the field used to be 1KM now its only 900 meters, arse. Looks like I will have to calibrate my shoes but then again I won't have a built in excuse of accuracy for any bum runs. It could be that they are actually more accurate now I'm using the proper shoes rather than an external sensor pouch on a non nike+ shoe. Di came up with that theory and damn it she could just be right.

The kids are finally back at school, we've all been worried about Cam going to senior school for the first time but it seems he's quite happy he finished his first day today and seemed to like it. Thats good news for everyone just another 7 years school left for him, then it's off to university to study nakedology or whatever trendy courses there are in the near future.

I hope this doesn't turn into one of those boring running blogs. Too late I think it has.