Monday, February 12, 2007


Well after an enormously long gap I'm back again.

I can't believe how much time has gone by since my last entry. Christmas was awesome, I'm loving my Xbox360 especially Gears Of War. It really comes into it's own on Xbox LIVE.

So what have I done since Christmas? Well I did a three week course on intermediate biscuit management techniques. That wasn't bad actually and apart from the excess homework and polishing my trousers and ironing my shoes it all went well. Since then the factory has been fairly steady.

We did have a really busy week where the fat controller at the factory decided we had two weeks to design, test and manufacture a whole new range of biscuits. This process usually takes about two months so 2 weeks was a bit ambitious. Anyway we all worked our balls off for a week and then he realised we weren't getting anywhere near completion and decided to shitcan the idea. So now everything is back to normal.

Liverpool FC have raised and dashed my hopes again as usual. After a very brief spell of looking like catching up with Chelski the wheels have fell off and we've dropped 4 points in two games so it's business as usual.

Now that two fat yankees have bought the club thing's may be looking up. To be honest I can't see them spending tonnes of money on the squad but at least the new stadium will now happen. Unfortunately we will no doubt end up playing in the "Microsoft Windows Vista" stadium or the "Viagra Dome" at least we'd be guaranteed to stay up. ( I thank you.)

Well that's it for now, see ya soon.

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