Monday, November 27, 2006

I'm still around.

to this
Originally uploaded by littlevurt.
Haven't done much for a while. As I've been stuck in a rut at the biscuit factory. It's okay though as we've been seperated now and the rut has been sacked for lewd conduct in a factory environment.

However I did bake this tremendous cake. Banana and walnut delicious. I also ate most of it as the kids decided they don't like walnuts.

I've not had much to write about as I've been feeling a bit un-inspired recently. Maybe I need to broaden my horizons to stimulate my interest. I could possibly take up para-gliding, or maybe just make some scones that'll be easier. Actually it's easier to just buy scones and eat them. Mmmmmm scones

I'll be back as that Arnold bloke used to say.

1 comment:

The Sheltie Clan said...

About time too, thought you had fallen into a biscuit machine and turned all jammy dodger on us !!! Cake looks good, are you sure that the kids did not like walnuts or was it because they could not get near it??

Anyway keep up the lousy blog