Saturday, December 02, 2006

christmas is coming

Well it's now officially December and I have to admit I'm quite excited about Xmas this year. As long as they don't bugger about with the shift system at the biscuit factory things should work out really well.

The three main reasons I'm looking forward to Xmas are, in no particular order these:

1.) I'm getting an Xbox360 with gears of war, I really can't wait to play this. Sometimes I find myself lying awake at night thinking about this. Makes a change from naked girls covered in trifle.

2.) The Doctor Who Xmas special, yes I am self confessed nerd and I really can't wait to see this. I've seen some of the leaked footage on youtube and it looked amazing. I love it when they do those tardis flying around on earth shots, like in last years special. The clip I saw just looked so exciting, I can't wait. I'm looking forward to xmas evening with a full belly, a glass of wine, bottle of lager, glass of port, peanuts, turkey drumstick and sprout butty in hand. Surrounded by broken toys and watching Doctor Who with the family.

3.) We've got a full house here for Xmas, my mum and dad are down for Xmas day and Di's parents will be joining them here for Boxing day. For me christmas has always been about family and when you look back on your life xmas days are like little islands in the fog of my appalling crap memory. I hope these days will live on in my kids memories like my past chrimbo's do for me.

I have to admit a guilty secret here, I have quite enjoyed this series of I'm a celebrity. Although I've watched most of it whilst peering over the top of my macbook it's been really funny. David Gest was hilarious and so was that little gay fella fighting with that scary black girl. She was as hard as nails, I had visions of her killing one of the celebrities and eating them, I don't mean that in a racist crappy cannibal joke way I just mean she was so single minded and mentally tough I didn't think she would let anything stop her from winning and boy could she eat.

The bush tucker trials are disgustingly funny. Although I think they went a bit over the top on the first one, that's probably why they refused. To be honest I don't see what is so scary about eating crocodile eyes, kangaroo's bumholes, nobs and balls. I've been eating iceland sausages for years and they taste alright to me.

See you soon, I'm off to Iceland. I'm not really that Kerry Katona has completely re-branded them as a major chav brand now. I couldn't believe the ad where she points at a table with some sausage rolls and trifle on and says, "I didn't think I was rich enough, posh enough or clever enough to have a dinner party. But now thanks to Iceland blah blah blah etc...".

I'm sorry but if cooking some sausage rolls and opening a trifle means that your rich, posh and clever then I must be Joe Billionaire, The Duke of Edinborough and Stephen Hawking all rolled into one because I could do all of that and even throw in some custard, a cup of tea and maybe some chocolate hob-nobs. Roll on the good times.

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