Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Let's all go to the movies.

Well it's been a great week all round really. Looking back It seems I've been blogging for over a year now. That went quick, well for me anyway, it probably seems an eternity to the poor reader of this shash.

Did a bit of running this week, not as much as I should but enough, I really struggled on my last one that's a bit worrying.

Had a nice weekend it was my eldest son Cam's 11th birthday, so we had a great bit of scoff at Damons, (got to have ribs it made them famous). Although for some reason I had chicken fajitas.

We then went the pictures to see the new Harry Potter movie the order of the phoenix. We all enjoyed it, I was very impressed because I remember the book being a bit of a plodder, but the film was excellent, really cut to the meat and bones of the story without to much padding like the book had. The ending was great can't wait to blow my home cinema up with that one.

On Monday we went on the back field with Glenn and his remote control car. It's a little fuel powered thing that goes 40 miles an hour it was awesome. We all had a go the kids loved it, and they didn't smash it up which was impressive. I think if you can get one that mows the lawn as you drive it you could be onto a winner, I better patent that. I just have so there.

Last night we went the pictures again (must be a record). We watched the transformers movie. It was brilliant, the story was a load of fluff but if your happy with transforming cars and trucks kicking each other in the nuts and bolts you can't complain about the story. The effects where outstanding and in all it was a real good summer blockbuster.

So that's that, I think I will go running along the viking way this week a bit of cross country see what it like, bloody knackering I would imagine.

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