Sunday, September 03, 2006

Load of rubbish

I went to the tip today to get rid of a load of rubbish from my garage. Mainly cardboard and an old table and chairs. (just in case you fancy some bin diving.)

I always find a trip to the tip slightly depressing and I think it's for a variety of reasons. One of them being that I'm usually throwing something away that cost me a lot of money. You tend to visit the tip with big stuff like furniture, and you can't help but remember how much it cost you ten years ago.

My other tinge of sadness is the fact that I see people throwing things out that I would like to have. However I'm not making a pikey of myself by climbing in and fishing stuff out of the giant skips. Well not in broad daylight anyway.

The other thing is the sense of waste, when I see the mountains and mountains of crap we all throw away, I feel slightly guilty. I don't know why I feel guilty but I blame the government and media for this. The current green message is being forced down our throats and your made to feel like an environmental thug if you throw rubbish away. Apparently your now classed as an evil bio-terrorist if you don't have energy saving lightbulbs, whittle your own clogs or drink your own recycled piss.

Balls to that. In the good old days we just turned all our rubbish into bombs and dropped them on our enemies. Maybe I could drop my old dining suite on the taliban. It might not do much but it's cheap and at least they have somewhere to eat their roast goat dinner on a Sunday.

All this global warming is pretty bad for the planet but why should I drive around on an electric scooter when America carries on porking it's way through half of the world's resources. I'd just be pissing in the wind.

Or should that be windmill?

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