Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Playstation 3 Delayed.

Grrrrr I'm mildly annoyed by todays news. Why?

Well once again European gamers get the shaft from the big electronics companies. The PS3 won't be under any british xmas trees this year.

We won't see it until April 2007 and that's if it doesn't slip again it's already slipped twice. It plays right into the hands of Microsoft here as the 360 will get a xmas boost with no other hi-def rival.

Nintendo may well be laughing as well with the launch of the Wii in Europe for xmas. Although to be fair, Nintendo have often treated UK gamers as second class citizens as well.

With Gears of War coming at the end of the year and Halo3 looming next year it looks like King of the Geeks - Bill Gates will be winning this console war.

I'd probably opt for the Xbox 360 just for Halo, thats if Mrs L was willing to loosen the purse strings. The little kid in me (oo-er) is also dying to get my hands on that Wii with it's natty Buck Rogers controller wand.

Xmas it's so exciting.

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